Lifegroups will be participating with frozen desserts up for the prized Golden Scoop award.
New this year! Individual entries for Best Homemade Dessert are eligible for judging. If you would like to enter your homemade dessert (of any kind) into the competition, please follow the instructions below:
- Make your dessert have at least 24 servings. Divide your dessert into very small pieces so that many people can have a taste.
- Come prepared with a label for your dessert on a printed piece of paper. Include the name of the dish and maybe even a picture of it before it was cut up. DO NOT include your name. If you forget this, we will have labels available to you.
- Show up by 6:20 p.m. to register your dessert at the entry table.
Store bought desserts and desserts that you don’t want to enter into the competition are still welcome and encouraged! We will have a separate table for them. No need to label.