God’s Mission Always Leads to Resurrection | Easter Sunday
April 9, 2023 | Dr. Jack Reese
Church isn’t just a place where good work is done, where activities take place, or where folks place their membership like they would join Costco or Sam’s. Nor are we part of a church simply to get to heaven some day. God has a mission in this world. To fulfill it, God seeks disciples who will share in that mission. Church isn’t about programs and membership or about accumulating enough “spiritual points” to get to heaven. It is, rather, about living into God’s mission in the world.
Watch our service from Easter Sunday, April 9, with a message from Jack Reese, as we come together as God’s “sent” people, looking for ways we can best participate in God’s mission here. And of all Sundays, this is a Sunday where we can publicly recognize and give thanks to God because, no matter how difficult things may get in our lives, no matter how frustrating church can be sometimes, God’s mission always leads to resurrection.
Join us Sundays in person or online at https://live.nscoc.org. To support the work God is doing through Northside, give today at https://nscoc.org/give. CCLI License # 381546.