The All In campaign has concluded. Once again, we are profoundly grateful and deeply moved by the generosity of this church family. Our goal was $568,171, and we raised $562,220! This amount of sacrificial giving is stunning—especially when we recognize how this occurred in an environment of rising costs. Thank you, Northside!
Our second campaign goal was for 100% of our 326 member households to participate by giving something to the campaign. This goal fell short at 199 households, or 61% participating. While this wasn’t the result we had hoped, we realize there is more work to do. As a leadership, we are committed to continue building trust, and we will continue stewarding our funds to the best of our ability.
The combination of a strong campaign and monitoring expenses resulted in a surplus for 2024 actuals. We are grateful to be entering 2025 in a good financial position. Lots of ministry is planned for 2025, so we invite everyone to give generously and regularly to One Fund.
Thank you for giving to God’s ongoing work in and through our precious church family!