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The YG loves to get together in the summer, and loves a good adventure, which is why we love Awesome Adventure Thursday! Select weeks throughout the summer we invite either our High School or Middle School group to meet for various activities. Check the schedule below for dates, times, and details.


  • June 13
    • High School
    • Time: 10:00–4:00 p.m.
    • Drop Off/Pick Up: Northside
    • Destination: Schlitterbahn
    • Cost: $20
  • June 27
    • Middle School
    • Time: 10:00–2:00 p.m.
    • Drop Off/Pick Up: Northside
    • Destination: San Antonio Zoo
    • Cost: $20
    • Click to Sign Up
  • July 18
    • High School
    • Time: 5:30–7:30 p.m.
    • Drop Off/Pick Up: Natural Bridge Caverns
    • Destination: Natural Bridge Caverns
    • Cost: $20
    • Pay Online Here
    • Click to Sign Up
  • August 1
    • Middle School
    • Time: 4:00–8:00 p.m.
    • Drop Off/Pick Up: Home of Brian & Kristin Hickman
    • Cost: FREE
    • Click to Sign Up

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