Tuesday Men’s Bible Study

Room 206 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

Men, join us weekly for fellowship and Bible study.

Tuesday Women’s Bible Study

Room 205 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, TX, United States

Ladies, join us for a weekly study facilitated by various class members.

Women’s Book Club

Monthly meetings to discuss book selections, catch up with friends, and enjoy refreshments.

Seniors Game Day Lunch

Room 238

Senior adults, join us for lunch, games and fellowship. RSVP by the Tuesday before to Neal Shaver or Mina Mullins at northstars@nscoc.org.

ENGAGE contemporary praise

Upper Room 19818 US Highway 281 N, San Antonio, United States

Come experience a powerful time of worship, prayer, and encouragement.

Middle School Spring Retreat

Disciple Oaks Camp & Retreat 673 Private Road 3381, Gonzales, TX, United States

MS Youth: Join us for Spring Retreat, a great way to disconnect from what distracts us, and reconnect with the one who created us.



Get ready for an adventure you will never forget! Our current high school students are invited to join us this summer for

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