January 30, 2022 | Dr. Jack Reese
Watch our service from Sunday, January 30, with a powerful message from Dr. Jack Reese. If Northside is going to focus more and more on engaging our neighbors in the name of Jesus, how should we go about it? Our primary task, surely, is not to prepare elaborate scripts for talking to our neighbors, not to have some sort of persuasive strategy for getting strangers to come to church here. Perhaps, like Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John 4, like the disciples Jesus sent to the villages in Luke 10, our task is to go out and listen rather than tell, to receive the hospitality of strangers, to extend the peace of Christ. Then, when that peace is received and shared, something astounding may happen: we get out of the way long enough that the kingdom of God can break in!
Join us next Sunday at 9 a.m. in person or online at https://live.nscoc.org. To support the work God is doing through Northside, give today at https://nscoc.org/give. CCLI License # 381546.